Posted by Neil McWhannell
Which Starfish will you save?
Rotary International President Gordon McInally, recently highlighted the huge number of issues, needs and potential Rotary projects within the world. He likened these to a beach covered in dying starfish and stressed that we cannot save them all – but we can save some!
As Rotarians, we have the potential to have a lasting impact on the world by leaving a BEQUEST to The Rotary Foundation. You will make a tangible difference to the lives of those in need. The more we donate, the more we can achieve.
I encourage all Rotarians to leave a small amount of their estate to The Rotary Foundation. By doing this, you will have a lasting and positive impact on the world.
Please contact me for assistance or if you would like me to give a short presentation to your Club. We have sample Wills and Codicils available.
See why people are donating:
We look forward to acknowledging all donors at the Foundation Recognition Dinner on Monday 6 November.  Click here to register.